It’s been a while since I last posted on my blog! Very excited to be back =D. The fall uni­ver­sity semes­ter went by quickly due to an onslaught of projects, tests and my under­grad­u­ate the­sis, which I am proud to say that I sur­vived and com­pleted with hon­ours. This semes­ter I started work­ing for Dr. Claus Rin­ner (my the­sis super­vi­sor) on a web map­ping appli­ca­tion that uti­lizes some of the data from my the­sis. All in all, a busy year for me at the university!

Today I would like to take some time and intro­duce the power of jQuery, specif­i­cally the UI slider ele­ment. Con­tinue reading »